Sunday, February 09, 2025


The library of the Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training University is situated in a separate building, which is about 4400 square meters. Whether you are a postgraduate student, an early career or experienced researcher, the library has an extensive range of information and services to support research works. There are about 1 057 249 books and booklets at the University library, 693063 books are in Kazakh and about 500 books can be referred to the group of rare books. There are more than 6075 copies of electronic books and teaching aids. The library serves about 10 000 readers per year. Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training University was founded in 1944. The library which book fund was formed of various sources opened in 1948 and by the end of this year made 3190 copies. In the library has settled down in the new certain building of 4400 square meters since 1984.

Achievements of library is activity. The book fund of library totals 1057249 copies, from them in a state language 693063, from them on electronic and magnetic carriers of - 6073editions. Annually the library gets about 10000 copies educational, educational and methodical, scientific and fiction; more than 350 names of periodicals in the Kazakh and Russian languages are written out. To services of readers of library also electronic reading room equipped with computers, having access to electronic information resources, in particular to the world global INTERNET

The library of university consists of the following structural divisions:

1. Department of completing of literature with sectors: cataloguing, market researches, scientific processing and electronic descriptions of books and brochures.

2   Department of service of the readers, the including subscription, reading rooms.  

3. Department of help and bibliographic information with reading rooms of periodicals.

4. Electronic resource center

5. Book depository of library

In library 5 reading rooms with total of seats – 450 function. It is a reading room of literature on stories of Kazakhstan, a reading room natural and the humanities, a reading room of reference books, a reading room of help and bibliographic information with fund of periodicals (more than 350 names of the Kazakhstan and Russian press generally on a university profile), library branch at faculty of music education and culture.

The library consists of:

  • Books processing and supply department;
  • Book deposit;
  • Department of clients’ service;
  • Informative-bibliographic department;
  • Electronic resource center

New technologies on “Library processes automatization” programs are widely used. The library subscribes about 350 items of newspapers and magazines every year.  


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Адрес библиотеки: г. Алматы, ул. Айтеке би, 99

Контактные телефоны: 8 (727) 233 19 25, 233 18 50, 

факс: 8 (727) 233 19 25 

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